As residents of Dodge County, we are blessed to be part of a community that takes pride in its people and its resilience. Part of the strength of our community comes from its robust system of support services, and among them is a resource you may not yet be familiar with: the 2-1-1 hotline service. United Way of Dodge County proudly supports this service, connecting people with the help they need when they need it most.

The 2-1-1 hotline is a free, confidential and comprehensive information and referral service that connects residents of Dodge County with the vital community resources they require. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, this hotline is staffed by highly trained operators who provide essential information on a wide variety of services and supports, from housing assistance to food banks, mental health services to job training and so much more. As a local resident, you may wonder how the 2-1-1 hotline can assist you. Let’s delve a little deeper into this invaluable resource:  
  1. Emergency & Disaster Response: In the face of natural disasters or public emergencies, the 2-1-1 service provides crucial, up-to-date information about safe shelters, evacuation routes, food and water supplies and other emergency resources. This service can make all the difference during times of uncertainty and crisis.
  2. Healthcare Services: The 2-1-1 hotline helps callers navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, connecting them with affordable medical clinics, mental health resources, addiction support services and even health insurance programs. Ensuring our community members have access to healthcare is essential to maintaining the health and wellbeing of Dodge County.
  3. Food & Housing Assistance: With the ever-changing economic climate, families and individuals may find themselves in need of food or housing assistance. The 2-1-1 hotline can connect callers with food pantries, soup kitchens and housing programs that can provide immediate help.
  4. Employment & Education Services: For those seeking to enhance their skills or find new employment opportunities, the 2-1-1 service can provide information on job training programs, GED preparation, financial literacy classes and even career counseling.
  5. Services for Seniors & Veterans: The 2-1-1 hotline also caters to the specific needs of our seniors and veterans, connecting them with services such as home healthcare, elder care, veteran services and social engagement programs.
  6. Support for Families: From childcare resources to after-school programs and domestic violence support, the hotline assists families with a myriad of issues, making sure no one has to navigate their struggles alone.
By simply dialing 2-1-1, you open a gateway to resources designed to help. This hotline is a lifeline for many in Dodge County and across the nation. At United Way of Dodge County, we are proud to support and amplify the reach of the 2-1-1 hotline. It embodies our core belief in the power of unity – a belief that, together, we can overcome challenges, reach out to our neighbors in need, and build a stronger, healthier community. So remember, if you or someone you know is in need, don’t hesitate to dial 2-1-1. Whether you’re seeking help or hope, this three-digit number can be the first step towards the support and resources you need.